Where is your store located?
Shagtoolss does not operate a physical store. However, you can reach us at our business address: 500 W 92nd St, Minneapolis Minnesota 55420, United States.
What is Shagtoolss' Return Policy?
For complete details on our return policy, please visit the “Refund Policy” section on our website.
Will I receive a confirmation email when I place an order online?
Yes, once your order is successfully submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your order.
How can I process a return?
To process a return, please send the item back to our business address as outlined in our refund policy. If you need help, feel free to reach out to us at support@shagtoolss.com or call us at +15012942454
Are there any product exclusions or restrictions?
Yes, all MANUFACTURER-DIRECT items are considered final sale. Be sure to check the product description under the item title to verify if it is a manufacturer-direct product.
Contact Information
- Email: support@shagtoolss.com
- Phone: +15012942454
Business Address: 500 W 92nd St, Minneapolis Minnesota 55420, United States